John’s Tour of Inspection

These photographs are significant in their insignificance, as the last photos that John took before his death. What persuaded him to take three photographs of the Bankura Rest House (“My Bungalow”, by any standards a bleak, empty looking place? It almost seems that there was nothing else left to take.

Bankura Station having a small steam(?). Taken on my tour of inspection
My special coach
In John’s hand on the back: “This my bungalow at Bankura. 22 Oct 1928.”
Bungalow at Bankura. 22 Oct 1928
Another view of the bungalow
John’s handwriting on the back: “Beliator Station. My coach in the distance [as] I waited for the up train”
John’s words: “My Bearer and porters arriving with my luggage”.

Signs on left read “Bankura Junction and Bankura and Damoodar Railway”. Sign on right reads “Bankura”

In John’s hand: “DB Railway. Taken from my carriage. Oct 22 1928”. DB is assumed to be Damoodar Bankura
Kharagpur Station