Alexander Anton

Alexander was born on March 4th 1903 on Redhill Farm, Rothiemay. He died in 1988. 

When young, Alexander lived with his two aunties, Annie and Bella, for a long time in Margherita, the family home. 

His elder brother, George, stayed on the farm, while Alexander came out to India and met his cousin in Calcutta on December 16th 1925.

Alexander spent his whole career in the tea industry in Assam. In 1931, he was an engineer at Deamoolie Tea Estate, Doom Dooma and later manager there. While on leave in 1946, he married Mary Leslie and brought her back to India, where their first child, Rosemary, was born. He left India in 1948 to return to Scotland, where Keith and Alison were born.

John’s nephew remembers his Aunt Mary as being a very sweet and kind person.  

Alexander, third from left, Assam

Centre of group of  three, Assam

Wedding to Mary

The tea estate manager’s house – Alexander and Mary’s home – probably late 1940s

Entrance gate with cattle grid